For your convenience, we have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions and answers on a broad range of topics related to divorce and family law. Take some time to learn about child custody, visitation, child support, spousal support, prenuptial agreements, and more by browsing our FAQs.
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How do I get an uncontested divorce?
What is the amount of social security benefits for a divorced spouse?
Do you have to be separated for a year to get a divorce in NY?
Is my out-of-state divorce agreement enforceable if I move to New York?
What happens to my frozen embryos if I get divorced?
Do I need a forensic accountant if I get divorced in New York?
What are the responsibilities of a guardian ad litem during my New York divorce?
Is hiring a NY divorce lawyer worth the cost?
Can I get a divorce in New York if my spouse has moved out of state?
What Happens to My Vacation Home if I Get Divorced in New York?
Do I need a qualified domestic relations order in New York?
Should I stay married to protect my children from uncertainty?