What is an uncontested divorce?
An uncontested divorce is a type of divorce where both parties agree on all major issues, such as property division, child custody, and support arrangements, without requiring court intervention.
How long does an uncontested divorce take?
The timeline for an uncontested divorce can vary, but it typically takes between 6 to 12 months, depending on court schedules and the complexity of the case.
What are the benefits of an uncontested divorce?
Uncontested divorces are generally faster, less expensive, and less stressful than contested divorces. They allow both parties to have more control over the final arrangements.
Do I need a lawyer for an uncontested divorce?
While not legally required, having a lawyer can ensure that all legal documents are correctly prepared and that your rights are protected. It can also help in negotiating any disagreements that arise.
What documents are needed for an uncontested divorce?
Typically, you'll need a marriage certificate, financial statements, a settlement agreement, and any relevant child custody or support documents.
Can we file for an uncontested divorce if we have children?
Yes, you can file for an uncontested divorce if you have children, as long as you agree on custody, visitation, and support arrangements.
How much does an uncontested divorce cost?
The cost can vary depending on your location and specific circumstances, but uncontested divorces are generally less expensive than contested ones due to fewer legal fees and court costs.
What happens if we can't agree on something?
If you can't agree on certain issues, your divorce may become contested, requiring mediation or court intervention to resolve the disputes.
Can I change my name during an uncontested divorce?
Yes, you can request a name change as part of your divorce proceedings. This is typically included in the final divorce decree.
How do we start the process of an uncontested divorce?
To start the process, both parties need to agree on all terms and then file the necessary paperwork with the court. Consulting with a lawyer can help ensure everything is handled correctly.
How can I find out if I qualify for an uncontested divorce?
You can find out if you qualify for an uncontested divorce by submitting our online questionaire. Just enter the requested information, and we will let you know your options, and tell you how we can help you.