The Basics of Spousal Support, Alimony and Maintenance

Spousal support, also known as alimony or maintenance, is a legal obligation for one spouse to provide financial assistance to the other following a divorce or separation. This arrangement plays a crucial role in ensuring that the lower-earning spouse can maintain a reasonable standard of living post-divorce. spousal support in new york

Navigating the complexities of spousal support in Brooklyn requires an understanding of various factors and legal nuances. A knowledgeable Spousal Support Lawyer in Brooklyn can help you make informed decisions tailored to your unique situation. In this article, we will guide you through the ins and outs of spousal support in Brooklyn, empowering you with essential information and practical advice.

Key takeaway: Understanding spousal support laws can significantly impact your financial future. Expert guidance from Alatsas Law Firm ensures you’re not navigating this challenging process alone.

Ready to dive into the details? Let's get started!

Understanding Spousal Support Laws in Brooklyn, New York

Spousal support, also known as alimony or spousal maintenance, is an important part of getting a divorce. In Brooklyn, the rules for spousal support are based on New York Domestic Relations Law (DRL-§236B(6)(E)(1)). This law looks at different things to make sure that both people are treated fairly when it comes to spousal support.

Key Factors Used by Courts to Determine Spousal Support

When judges in Brooklyn decide on spousal support, they think about a few things to make their decision fair. Here are some of the main things they look at:

  1. Age and Health: How old and healthy each person is matters. For example, an older person with health problems might need more money compared to a younger and healthier person.
  2. Earning Capacity: The court thinks about how much money each person can make now and in the future. If one person has more chances to make money because of their education or job options, this will affect how much support they get.
  3. Education and Training Expenses: The court also considers any costs for more education or training that one person needs to be able to support themselves.
  4. Child/Elder Care Responsibilities: If one person is mostly responsible for taking care of children or elderly family members, this can also affect how much spousal support they get.
  5. Marital Property Distribution: How things that were shared during the marriage are divided up also affects spousal support. For example, if one person gets more of the shared stuff, they might not need as much ongoing support.

Examples from Case Law Precedents

To explain these ideas better, let's look at some real-life examples:

  1. Example 1: In a case where the husband had a lot of money and chances to make more in the future, while the wife had been a homemaker for 20 years, the court gave the wife a lot of spousal support. This was done so that she could keep living the way she was used to after getting divorced.
  2. Example 2: A young mother who had stopped working to take care of her children was given both spousal support and child support after getting divorced. This example shows how taking care of children can affect spousal support decisions.

Income, Future Earnings Potential, and Tax Implications

How much money someone makes now and how much they might make in the future are really important when it comes to figuring out spousal support:

  1. Current Income: The court looks at how much money both people are making right now. This includes things like salaries, bonuses, any money from investments, and other sources of income.
  2. Future Earnings Potential: The court also tries to figure out how much money each person will probably make in the future based on their education, work experience, and what kinds of jobs are available.
  3. Tax Implications: It's also important to think about taxes because they can change how much money someone actually gets to keep. Some types of spousal support payments are taxable for the person receiving them, while others are not.

Understanding these things

Calculating Spousal Support Amounts in Brooklyn Cases

When it comes to calculating spousal support amounts in Brooklyn, the process is governed by the New York Domestic Relations Law (DRL). Specifically, DRL-§236B(6)(E)(1) outlines the detailed provisions and guidelines that courts follow.

Different Approaches or Formulas

New York courts use a variety of methods to determine spousal support payments. Let's break down some common approaches:

  1. Income-Based Formula: This formula considers both spouses' incomes. The higher-earning spouse may be required to pay a percentage of their income to the lower-earning spouse.
  2. Marital Property Distribution: Courts take into account how marital property is divided. If one spouse receives a larger share of marital assets, this might affect the spousal support amount.
  3. Standard of Living During Marriage: Judges aim to ensure that both parties can maintain a similar standard of living post-divorce.

Key Factors Considered

A number of factors influence the final calculation:

  • Age and Health: Older individuals or those with health issues may need more support.
  • Earning Capacity and Future Earnings Potential: Courts assess each spouse's ability to earn money in the future.
  • Education and Training Expenses: If one spouse needs additional education or training to become self-sufficient, this can impact support amounts.
  • Child and Elder Care Responsibilities: Taking care of children or elderly parents can limit one's ability to work full-time.
  • Contributions as Homemaker/Career Builder: Non-monetary contributions like homemaking or supporting a spouse's career also play a role.

Example Calculation

To illustrate, imagine a scenario where one spouse earns $100,000 annually while the other earns $30,000. The court may use an income-based formula, requiring the higher earner to pay a certain percentage of their income as spousal support.

Tax Implications

It's crucial to note the tax ramifications involved:

  • Prior to 2019, spousal support payments were tax-deductible for the payer and taxable income for the recipient.
  • Post-2019 changes mean these payments are no longer deductible by the payer nor considered taxable income for the recipient.

Understanding these nuances helps in grasping how spousal support is calculated under Brooklyn's legal framework. Navigating through these complexities often requires expert legal assistance.

The Benefits of Hiring a Spousal Support Lawyer in Brooklyn

Navigating the complex world of spousal support laws can be overwhelming. It's crucial to have a skilled spousal support lawyer on your side to protect your rights and ensure a fair outcome. Here's why hiring a family law attorney is important:

A seasoned Brooklyn spousal support attorney understands the ins and outs of state laws and how they specifically apply to your unique situation.

2. Strategic Evidence Gathering

Your lawyer will gather and present crucial evidence to strengthen your case, such as financial records, employment history, and lifestyle details.

3. Effective Negotiation

Skilled attorneys from Alatsas Law Firm can negotiate with the other party to reach a favorable settlement without the need for lengthy court battles.

How Alatsas Law Firm Can Help

Here are some specific ways that Alatsas Law Firm can assist you with your spousal support case:

Case Preparation

  • Collecting comprehensive financial documentation.
  • Analyzing both parties' income and future earning potential.

Negotiation & Mediation

  • Mediating discussions to settle disputes amicably.
  • Crafting agreements that align with your best interests.

Court Representation

  • Representing you in court if negotiations fail.
  • Presenting compelling arguments backed by solid evidence.

With legal counsel for spousal support matters, you're not just getting representation; you're gaining an advocate who will fight tirelessly for your rights.

Dealing with Common Issues and Disputes in Spousal Support Cases

Spousal support cases often come with a host of challenges. Understanding these common issues and learning how to address them effectively is crucial for anyone going through this process.

Common Challenges in Spousal Support Proceedings

  • Temporary Maintenance: This type of support is awarded while the divorce is still pending. Determining the appropriate amount can be contentious, especially when both parties have differing views on financial needs and capabilities.
  • Post-Divorce Spousal Maintenance: Once the divorce is finalized, ongoing maintenance payments can become a point of dispute. The length and amount of these payments depend on various factors, including the duration of the marriage and each spouse's financial situation.
  • Child Custody Pendente Lite: Temporary child custody arrangements during divorce proceedings can impact spousal support determinations. The parent with primary custody may receive additional support to cover child-related expenses.

Strategies for Addressing Issues

  • Gather Comprehensive Financial Records: Ensuring all financial documents are meticulously collected and organized helps in presenting a clear picture to the court. This includes income statements, tax returns, and any other relevant financial records.
  • Negotiate Fairly but Firmly: Engaging in negotiations with a clear understanding of your rights and obligations can lead to more amicable solutions. Having a skilled lawyer from Alatsas Law Firm by your side can make a significant difference here.
  • Seek Modifications When Necessary: Life changes such as job loss, remarriage, or significant income changes might warrant a modification of spousal support orders. Legal guidance ensures that these modifications are pursued correctly and efficiently.

Addressing these issues proactively can help in navigating spousal support disputes more smoothly, ensuring that fair and just outcomes are achieved for all parties involved.

Fighting Against Unjust Spousal Support Orders in Brooklyn

Dealing with an unfair spousal support order can be overwhelming, but there are proactive steps you can take with the help of a skilled lawyer. Here are some strategies for fighting against unjust support orders:

1. Conduct a Thorough Financial Analysis

Your attorney can assist you in gathering and examining financial records to present a clear picture of your financial situation. This includes reviewing income statements, tax returns, and any other relevant financial documents.

2. Present Compelling Arguments in Court

With a detailed financial analysis, your lawyer can create strong arguments to challenge the support order. This may involve pointing out inconsistencies in reported incomes or highlighting changes in financial circumstances.

3. File for Modification

If there has been a significant change in circumstances—such as losing your job, getting remarried, or having an increase in earning capacity—you may be able to request a modification of the support order. Your attorney will make sure all the necessary paperwork is prepared to strengthen your case.

4. Highlighting Unequal Distribution of Marital Property

In some cases, spousal support orders fail to consider how marital property was divided. Your lawyer can argue that the current order does not reflect your fair share of assets and debts.

5. Leveraging Expert Testimony

Bringing in financial experts or vocational evaluators can add credibility to your claims. These professionals can provide impartial assessments that support your position.

Navigating through these steps requires knowledge and a deep understanding of spousal support laws. Working with an experienced attorney ensures that you are well-equipped to effectively fight against unjust orders.


Understanding spousal support law in Brooklyn can be complicated. To navigate this process successfully, you need a thorough understanding of the various factors and legal precedents involved. It's crucial to have a clear strategy and the guidance of an experienced spousal support lawyer who can protect your interests.

At Alatsas Law Firm, we specialize in spousal support cases. Our team of attorneys has extensive experience in this area of law and is dedicated to providing personalized advice and representation tailored to your specific needs.

Don't leave your future to chance. Consult with us today to discuss your spousal support case. We are committed to helping you achieve the best possible outcome in your situation.


Ted Alatsas
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Trusted Brooklyn, New York Family Law Attorney helping NY residents with Elder Law and Asset Protection