
Brooklyn Estate Planning: How a Qualified Personal Residence Trust (QPRT) May Help You Meet Your Goals

As a homeowner in New York City, you've likely invested significantly in your property. But have you considered how to protect this valuable asset for future generations? One powerful tool that could help you meet your estate planning goals is the Qualified Personal Residence Trust (QPRT). While QPRTs are not right for everyone, we will explain what they are, the benefits of these trusts, and what to discuss with your Brooklyn estate planning lawyer to determine if a QPRT is right for you.

Qualified Personal Residence Trusts in New York

A Qualified Personal Residence Trust is a sophisticated estate planning technique designed to transfer your home to your beneficiaries while minimizing gift and estate taxes. Below are some key components of a QPRT:

  • Property. As the name suggests, a qualified personal residence trust may only be used for personal residences, such as your primary or vacation home.
  • Irrevocability. Once you establish a QPRT, it is irrevocable.
  • Retained rights. You retain the right to live in your home rent-free for a certain number of years specified in the trust. 
  • Future transfer. At the end of the trust term, the property passes to your beneficiaries, typically your children, free of additional gift or estate taxes.

QPRTs can be customized to fit your specific needs, including provisions for selling the property or potentially extending your stay after the term ends.

Why You May Need a Qualified Personal Residence Trust in New York

New York's high property values and estate tax thresholds make QPRTs particularly attractive for Brooklyn homeowners looking to maximize their legacy and protect assets. Below are some of the benefits of QPRTs for New York homeowners:

  • Family home preservation. QPRTs can help ensure that cherished family properties remain within the family for generations.
  • Asset protection. Once the trust term ends, the property is generally protected from creditors, providing additional security for your beneficiaries.
  • Gift tax advantages. Your property is your gift to the trust.  The value of the gift is the value of the property when the trust is created minus your retained interest. Therefore, the property is valued at less than fair market value and the trust could result in significant gift tax savings. 
  • Other tax benefits. Additional estate tax and income tax benefits are possible.

QPRTs must be carefully drafted to realize these benefits. 

What to Discuss With Your Brooklyn Estate Planning Lawyer

Our experienced Brooklyn estate planning lawyer can help you decide if a QPRT is right for you. If you decide to move forward with a QPRT, we will help you:

  • Decide on the trust term length. You must balance potential tax benefits with your life expectancy and future plans to determine the optimal trust term.
  • Contingency planning. Your lawyer can help structure the trust to address potential scenarios, such as selling the property or your passing before the term ends.
  • Evaluate the impact on your overall estate plan.  A QPRT should complement your broader estate planning goals, including provisions for other assets and beneficiaries.
  • Consider alternative strategies. We will discuss whether a QPRT is the best option for your situation or if other techniques might be more suitable.
  • Help your children, grandchildren, or other heirs. We will evaluate how a QPRT might affect your beneficiaries' tax situation, including potential capital gains taxes on a future sale.

At Alatsas Law Firm, we're committed to helping Brooklyn residents create comprehensive estate plans that provide peace of mind based on each individual client’s needs. Here’s what some of our clients say about working with us:

  • Great experience with Estate Planning Attorney. I had a great experience working with Alatsas Law Firm to create an estate plan and trust. Ted and his team are knowledgeable, welcoming, and kind. Everything was clearly explained and the process was very smooth. I'd recommend Ted to anyone looking for estate planning guidance. -Pamela C.
  • 5 stars from me. From the basic details on our first meeting, I knew I could rely on Mr. Alatsas to do my Trust. He was not only knowlegable, but very sensitive to the downsides and advantages of my vulnerable, unregretable personal decsiion on wanting to do this transfer. With his help, I gain some knowledge specially because I was new on this subject. Additionally, Mr. Alatsas was very responsive to any concerns I may have outside the office. He is a great Lawyer.” -Maria F.

Don't leave your family's future to chance. Together, we'll craft a strategy that ensures your hard-earned assets benefit your loved ones for years to come.

Ted Alatsas
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Trusted Brooklyn, New York Family Law Attorney helping NY residents with Elder Law and Asset Protection