In our FAQs, you’ll learn why you can’t count on Medicare to cover a nursing home stay, why gifting assets can jeopardize Medicaid eligibility, how to save your family home for your heirs, and much more. If you’d like to discuss how we can help with your specific Medicaid planning needs, contact our office to schedule a free, no-obligation initial consultation with experienced attorney Theodore Alatsas.
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How can I protect my home from future nursing home costs?
Will my benefits stop if I inherit money?
What is New York's Managed Long-Term Care (MLTC) program?
How does Medicaid spousal refusal affect my NY long-term care?
If I’m a veteran, can I get both VA and Medicaid benefits?
What is The Five-Year Look-Back Rule in New York?
Can Medicaid Take a Jointly Owned Home in New York?
How does giving gifts affect my New York Medicaid eligibility?
Protecting Assets from Nursing Homes in New York State
How do I protect my assets if my spouse has dementia?
Does Medicaid consider money I set aside for my funeral an asset?
Will taking out a reverse mortgage on my NY home impact my Medicaid eligibility?