New York’s spousal maintenance laws are designed to help lower-earning spouses maintain their standard of living after a divorce. Refer to our blog to learn what factors are considered in awarding alimony and how an experienced divorce and family law attorney can help.
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Our Brooklyn Divorce Lawyers Share Key Evidence for Achieving Success in Contested Divorces in New YorkDiscover how to succeed in your NY contested divorce. Learn about the essential evidence, timeline requirements, and how to get your evidence together.
Consulting with a Family Lawyer prior to filing for divorce is an important first step.Navigate divorce smoothly with expert family law guidance on custody, assets, and support. Your first step to a fair settlement.
Hiring a Spousal Support Attorney Can Protect Your Financial FutureEnsure fair spousal support agreements with a knowledgeable attorney by your side. Protect your financial well-being post-divorce.
As you navigate the complexities of divorce, protecting your assets and ensuring your financial future should be top priorities.Divorce is a challenging and emotionally charged life event, and amidst the emotional turmoil, it's essential not to overlook the importance of estate planning.
Netflix series spotlights the struggles of victims of domestic abuseNetflix's "Maid" depicts domestic violence through one mother's story. Discover legal protections and support services for abuse victims. Contact us today.
Dr. Dre served with divorce papers at grandmother's funeral.Personal service of a divorce summons is essential to getting divorced.
What happens to me after I am divorced?After a divorce, getting back to a new normal is challenging. This blog talks about how you can reclaim your identity and create a new normal.
Divorce Checklist: How to Prepare Financially for DivorceWhat are some of the ways you can prepare financially for a divorce? Brooklyn divorce and family law attorney, Ted Alatsas explains.
Top FAQs About Alimony and Divorce SettlementsLearn key facts about alimony in NY divorce settlements, from payment amounts to state laws. Contact our experienced divorce lawyers at 718-233-2903.
How Long Do You Have to Be Married to Get Spousal Support?Learn about spousal support eligibility in New York, including duration, payment calculations, and types of alimony. Contact our Brooklyn attorneys.
How Much Alimony will I Get?This article addresses the questions many divorcees have regarding alimony and their financial well-being after their marriages.
New York Alimony LawNew York alimony laws are constantly under revision, so for those seeking a divorce, it is best to acquire legal help from an experienced New York alimony lawyer.